Meet & Connect
One of the official networking moments during New Music Conference are the Meet & Connect sessions. Musicians, managers, label owners, media professionals, journalists and festival organisers meet each other in the private networking location. You need to register online for these matchmaking sessions after registering for the conference.
Application online is no longer possible. But there are still some spots left. Please check the desk in our Club to see who’s available.
Session 1, 13:30 – 14:30
Session 2, 14:45 – 15:45
Application online is no longer possible. But there are still some spots left. Please check the desk in our Club to see who’s available.
Through Meet & Connect, New Music Conference strives to build worthwhile and lasting connections between composers, performing musicians and other professionals in the music business. To do this, the Meet & Connect team guides a series of one-on-one talks between selected professionals and applicants. Contacting and selecting is done with the utmost care and to the best of our team’s knowledge and belief. In the event of an excess of Meet & Connect applications, we cannot guarantee that every desired professional will be available.